Governor Polis, The Refunds You’re Sending Out Are Due To TABOR!!!

FYI. This was on Twitter yesterday:















Replying to @wattystrick @GovofCO and @colorado_tabor

Watty, The reason is they tried to eliminate Tabor (again), and when they found out from the courts they couldn’t Polis decided to do the letter thing. What is truly two-faced , is the Democrats have written into their 2022 platform to eliminate Tabor

Tool Man – Fear Not! @12Toolman
Replying to @wattystrick @GovofCO and @colorado_tabor
It’s an inconvenient fact that polis chooses to ignore during an election cycle…. Appealing to the uninformed voter..

2 thoughts on “Governor Polis, The Refunds You’re Sending Out Are Due To TABOR!!!

  1. Under which amendment are democrats attempting to do away with the tabor law, and if not under an amendment, then how do they plan to be rid of it?

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