Sep 04

Why #TABOR Matters on September 4

Proposition CC, on the November ballot, will ask Coloradans to permanently give up our tax refunds. State budget experts have estimated that over the next three years that could amount to $1.3 billion tax increase.
Sep 02

Why #TABOR Matters On September 2

The ballot language of Prop CC begins by claiming “Without increasing taxes…”
If it passes, that means you lose your TABOR tax refund permanently.
That is an increase in taxes.
Aug 29

Referendum C hurt TABOR; Prop CC will do more harm

They lied to us in 2005, and they are doubling down on this lie in 2019. Colorado voters were sold a bill of goods with Referendum C in 2005, and it is of the utmost importance that we aren’t fooled again with Proposition CC in 2019.

Proponents of Referendum C originally claimed that their measure was “temporary.” The measure was supposed to offer a five-year reprieve from the constitutional limitations created by the Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights (TABOR), allowing some fiscal flexibility for Colorado lawmakers to invest heavily in education and transportation.

Aug 29

Why #TABOR Matters on August 29

• In 2005, voters passed Referendum C to provide more than $2 billion each year for roads.
• In 2009, the legislature passed FASTER fees, which provides $250 million each year through higher car registration fees.
• In 2017, the legislature “fixed” the Hospital Provider Fee, which freed up $600 million for roads and education.
• This all means we spend almost $3 billion more per year since 2005, yet our roads are still in terrible condition.
Who is accountable?
Aug 28

Why #TABOR Matters On August 28

Beware!  The Colorado Fiscal Institute has launched a statewide petition drive for the November 2020 ballot to completely repeal your Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights. The effort is being disguised using TABOR’s designation in statute: Article X, Section 20 of the Colorado State Constitution.

Aug 27

Why #TABOR Matters On August 27

Building a Better Colorado is another special interest group organized to repeal TABOR.
BBC’s past successes: 1) requiring ballot initiatives to get signatures from throughout the state; 2) instituting a statewide presidential primary (co-opts the work of political parties); 3) allow unaffiliated voters to participate in a Democrat or Republican party primary election – without declaring a party affiliation.
Aug 25

Why TABOR Matters on August 25

The liberal Colorado Fiscal Institute is one of the special interest groups behind trying to repeal TABOR. Their specialty (method of operation) is pricey lawsuits challenging voters right to choose how much to tax and for what purpose.
Carol Hedges is the executive director
Aug 19

Proposition CC’s Ballot Language Is NOT Being Honest With Colorado

Chris P. Bacon@CPBacon4CO

#PropCC Ballot Language **IF** the #democrats were being honest with #Colorado


But they’re not being honest

It’s not “Technically” a tax increase, but it IS permission for them to keep OverCharging your tax bills & keep it without asking
Aug 12

SENGENBERGER | Safeguard TABOR — and stand up for Colorado taxpayers

The Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights is under attack. For at least a decade, Democrats in the Colorado legislature — backed by the Colorado Supreme Court in erroneous rulings and occasionally supported by faithless Republicans — have thwarted some of the protections afforded to Coloradans by the Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights.

Typically, these successful assaults against TABOR have come from taxes disguised as “fees.”  In fact, this past legislative session Democrats even proposed financing a paid family leave program with a payroll tax (like the Social Security tax) that they would again have labeled a “fee.”  (This legislation is likely to return next session.) 

But this year’s attack — Proposition CC, put on the ballot by the Democrat-controlled General Assembly and backed by Gov. Jared Polis (D) — is particularly troublesome.  Recall that the Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights was passed in 1992 and provides two essential protections for Coloradans.  First, the amendment requires a vote of the people to raise taxes (unless legislators call it a “fee,” as discussed).

To read the rest of this story, click (HERE):