Category Archives: Fiscal Policy
Making Conservatives Cool Since 1923
The Wise And Correct Course To Follow In Taxation Is Not To
No Matter What Anyone May Say About Making The Rich And The Corporations Pay More In Taxes
I Want Taxes To Be Less, That The People May Have More
Everyone Desires A Reduction Of Taxes, And There Is A Great Preponderance Of Sentiment In Favor Of Taxation Reform
A Government Which Requires Of The People The Contribution Of The Bulk Of Their Substance and Rewards Cannot Be Classified As A Free Government, Or Long Remain As Such
Coolidge’s Tax Rates Were Lower & He Cut Budgets
OPINION | Family-leave ‘fee’ (spelled t-a-x) is another end-run on TABOR
It looks like @ColoradoDems in the #coleg are moving “full steam ahead” on state-sponsored #PaidFamilyLeave. But watch how they decide to fund it. They’ll prob create a new tax w/out #TABOR vote – & call it a FEE. My latest for @colo_politics
OPINION | Family-leave ‘fee’ (spelled t-a-x) is another end-run on TABOR
- Jimmy Sengenberger
There are a couple of federal government programs that have been around for decades. You might have heard of them: Social Security and Medicare.
You might also know that these programs are funded by payroll taxes. If you’re an employee working at a company, then the contribution is “split” 50/50 between you and your employer. Your portion is withheld and sent to the government each paycheck. If you’re self-employed, you must pay the full amount yourself. According to the IRS, the tax rates total 12.4% and 2.9% for social security and Medicare, respectively.
You’ll notice that the creators of these programs were clear they’d be funded with a payroll tax on both employees and employers. They didn’t play word games. They were upfront that every working American would be taxed a percentage of their income to support Social Security and Medicare.
Colorado Democrats are moving “full steam ahead” to create a new, statewide paid family leave (PFL) fund. This program would enable employees to receive “12 weeks of paid family leave for pregnancies, infant or sick relative care, or recovery from illness.”
The 2020 bill is still being written following input from a commission tasked with proposing ideas. But if the fund ends up being financed in a way that is similar to the 2019 version’s formula, it would involve a split — perhaps 60/40 — between employees and employers.
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