Colorado Rising State Action out to lower tax bills again
- Joey Bunch, Colorado Politics
- Dec 2, 2020 Updated
Colorado Rising Action executive director Michael Fields speaks to anti-Proposition CC supporters gathered for the No On CC campaign’s election night watch party at Great Northern in Denver on Nov. 5, 2019.
(Photo by Andy Colwell, special to Colorado Politics)
Colorado Rising State Action isn’t done with lower taxes yet.
The conservative advocacy organization is dropping the language for another tax decrease on the 2021 statewide ballot.
The question would reduce the residential property tax assessment rate from 7.15% to 6.5% and the non-residential property tax assessment rate from 29% to 27%.
Colorado Rising State Action opposed the repeal of the Gallagher Amendment, Amendment B, last month. The 38-year-old constitutional constraint set an equation between the rates for homes versus commercial property.
The repeal passed with 57.5% approval.
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