Every issue is an excuse to expand the size and scope of government and implement trillions in new taxes
Americans for Tax Reform President Grover Norquist warns the White House is ‘heading in the wrong direction’ with tax increases to make up for economic losses during the coronavirus pandemic.
If your only tool is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
For Democrats today, the solution for every new issue is another tax increase. Name the “problem” and their “solution” is a higher tax on American families and businesses.
Every issue is an excuse to expand the size and scope of government and implement trillions in new taxes.
Even in the recent $1.9 trillion COVID “relief” spending spree legislation, Democrats put in a proviso that they believe will stop any tax reduction by Republican-led state governments for the next four years: If a state cuts taxes the Biden administration will threaten to sue to get their “bailout money” back.
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