Mar 08

Citizen watchdogs needed for Arapahoe County 1A tax windfall

In the November, 2024 general election, Arapahoe County voters approved ballot issue 1A, removing spending limits imposed by the Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights (TABOR).  Moving forward, this means county government gets to keep and spend over-collected tax revenue that would have otherwise been refunded to taxpayers.

In other words, voters gave county commissioners what amounts to a tax hike, and now it’s time to keep them accountable for it.

As part of the ballot language, a provision was included that mandates all spending of this tax revenue windfall be transparently reported.  Specifically, it requires that the new spending be included in the county’s annual independent audit, published on the county website and that it be monitored and reviewed by a “resident advisory committee.”  That’s where you come in.

The county pushed ballot measure 1A as a way to fund existing services that they claimed were potentially going to be cut due to budget shortfalls. And while I understand the need for transparency of how this massive influx of money should be spent, we must also make sure the advisory committee is up to the task and doesn’t just become a rubber stamp for political agendas and new pet projects.

According to the county website, the job of the committee is to ensure that 1A funds “are being used in alignment with their intended purpose, advocating for proper stewardship of these resources.”

If you think you’re up to that task, you should consider applying.  It’s a great opportunity to get involved in your community, while also holding your elected officials accountable to the taxpayers.

There are ten committee slots to be filled, with at least one from each county commission district.  Members serve three-year terms, with a two-term maximum.  And if you’ve ever thought about running for public office, this is a great way to get some local government experience under your belt first.

Arapahoe County voters gave up their TABOR refunds in perpetuity, now it’s time to ensure county commissioner honor that sacrifice and hold up their end of the bargain.


Kathleen Chandler is an Arapahoe County resident and directs the Citizen Involvement Project at the Independence Institute, a free market think tank in Denver. She can be reached by email at

Citizen watchdogs needed for Arapahoe County 1A tax windfall – Complete Colorado

Jan 14

On this day last year, we celebrated the 30th anniversary of TABOR.

On this day last year, we celebrated the 30th anniversary of TABOR.

Your Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights!

Keeping government in check and more money in your pocket is why Colorado approved TABOR on the November, 1992 ballot.
















Aug 17

Menten: Honest voter guide needed to counter Proposition HH deception

Menten: Honest voter guide needed to counter Proposition HH deception

August 15, 2023 By Natalie Menten


In October 2023, Colorado voters are going to get a ballot information guide, nicknamed the Blue Book (it literally has a blue cover page) in the mail prior to the arrival of their actual ballots.

This year the Blue Book will cover the two statewide tax increases – Proposition II and HH.

Common questions during the election include who phrases the ballot questions and who writes the Blue Book. This is especially true when ballot questions are deceptively worded like Proposition HH, which paints pictures of pies in the sky without disclosing the real intent to screw you out of your Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights (TABOR) refunds for at least the next 10 years, and likely forever.

The Blue Book is where you can make a difference. You get to participate and no expertise is needed. There’s a special reason that you’re especially needed this year.

Slick politicians wrote the Prop HH ballot language and rushed it through the state legislature without responsible notice to the public. A recent survey indicates 2/3 of voters will vote for Proposition HH if they read only the deceptive and misleading ballot question that state Representatives Chris deGruy Kennedy and Mike Weissman, and Senators Steve Fenberg and Chris Hansen cunningly wrote.

It’s up to us to ensure content in the ballot guide provides a full and clear picture to voters. Otherwise, the majority of the players at the table are the very politicians who hate spending limits and TABOR, like the sponsors of Prop HH (Senate Bill 23-303). Continue reading

Jun 20

TABOR and the 2023 legislative session

TABOR and the 2023 legislative session

We follow the bills as best we can, but do not rate them, relying instead on the excellent and thorough Colorado Union of Taxpayer’s work and that done by others, such as the Republican Liberty Caucus.  There were a few good ideas and plenty of bad ones, but we focused only on those that affect TABOR.

The General Assembly pretty much left the Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights alone until the final week of the legislative session.  Then, legislators dropped a big negative on Colorado with a bill to place Proposition HH on the ballot this fall.

The entire idea is bad.  It is very complex and convoluted legislation that proponents tout as lowering your property taxes.  It fails.  The Gallagher Amendment was repealed a couple years back.  That action removed the method to tamp down increases in residential property taxes.  With property taxes threatened to soar next year, Proposition HH (Senate Bill 23-303) takes money owed back to the taxpayer to reduce some (perhaps half) of the property tax increase.  It literally uses a big tax increase by taking your TABOR rebates in order to pay down your property tax increases!  Dastardly.  Sneaky.  Terrible.

What is your TABOR Committee doing about it?  We brought together like-minded organizations to protect TABOR by defeating this crumby, lose-lose measure, in which only the government benefits.  The new coalition will function as a clearinghouse and share ideas and efforts, although no strong core has materialized as yet.  Your TABOR Committee already filed to set up a statewide issue committee (a legal necessity to conform to election requirements).  We funded it with seed money and secured a matching donation.

Are you torqued off yet?

Please join the fight by volunteering.  Let your interest be known by emailing or calling 303-747-7460.  Please also donate to our efforts by sending a check to the TABOR Coalition at 720 Kipling, Suite 12, Lakewood 80215.

Proposition HH has more pieces to it – a hike in the State revenue and spending limitation that allows government to grow faster than the private sector and a provision about the senior exemption.  One of our allies filed a lawsuit because the measure violates the single-subject rule.  It has been joined by a dozen local governments!

A different measure on the fall ballot asks voters to allow the State to keep higher marijuana taxes.  A provision in TABOR requires proposed tax increases to estimate the amount to be raised.  In order to keep governments from monkeying with the estimate, any overage must be returned and the rate adjusted downward, unless the taxpayers in a second vote allow the higher receipts.

There was another anti-TABOR bill that adjusts some definitions on insurance premiums taxes.  TABOR does not allow arguments that any higher taxes are too little to care about (de minimis).  But, in a lawsuit several years ago filed by the TABOR Foundation (our sister organization), the Colorado Supreme Court errantly imposed a de minimis provision.  We cannot fight the precedent set then, and the amount this year truly is small – less than $7,000.

May 25

TABOR Coalition Launches to Protect Refunds, Taxpayers



CONTACT: Caitlin Gallagher Blundell,? 


TABOR Coalition Launches to Protect Refunds, Taxpayers 


Organizations across Colorado have come together to protect taxpayers & oppose any attempt to take away TABOR refunds 


DENVER, CO – Today a coalition of organizations came out in opposition to any attempt by the legislature or special interest groups to take away Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights (TABOR) refunds. Colorado is expected to return $2.7 billion to taxpayers in the coming year.


“While special interests and politicians have been busy looking for ways to withhold TABOR refunds over the last several months, Americans for Prosperity, our activists and coalition partners have been busy contacting voters across the state,” said AFP-CO State Director Jesse Mallory. “Families have already received two rounds of TABOR refunds and polling has shown TABOR is more popular than ever. Trying to convince voters to weaken TABOR and eliminate refunds will be a nearly impossible ask.” 


Coloradans benefit from TABOR refunds and these organizations have pledged their support to protect taxpayers from any attempt to interfere with them. The organizations are:

  • Advance Colorado
  • Americans for Prosperity-Colorado
  • Broomfield Taxpayer Matters
  • Centennial Institute
  • Colorado Union of Taxpayers
  • Colorado Women’s Alliance
  • Independence Institute
  • Liberty Scorecard
  • Lincoln Club Colorado
  • Springs Taxpayers United
  • Steamboat institute
  • TABOR Committee



The coalition came out in opposition to any attempts by the legislature or special interest groups to take away TABOR refunds from the taxpayers they belong to. Colorado is expected to return $2.7 billion to taxpayers in the coming year.

Recently, Governor Polis and lawmakers tied TABOR refunds to the state’s skyrocketing property tax.

For more than 30 years, Coloradans have benefited from TABOR refunds. The coalition and its members pledge support to protect taxpayers from any attempt from Gov. Polis and the General Assembly to take away their rightful, hard-earned return.


For further information or an interview, reach CAITLIN GALLAGHER at or (206) 402-8432.  


Through broad-based grassroots outreach, Americans for Prosperity (AFP) is driving long-term solutions to the country’s biggest problems. AFP activists engage friends and neighbors on key issues and encourage them to take an active role in building a culture of mutual benefit, where people succeed by helping one another. AFP recruits and unites Coloradans behind a common goal of advancing policies that will help people improve their lives. For more information, visit


To view this release online click here.

Feb 06

Special Districts and the Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights

There are over 4,500 local government agencies in Colorado. Nearly 3,000 of those are special districts. All of these agencies and special districts are included under our Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights (TABOR).

Most voters wouldn’t be able to list off the top of their head all the local governments collecting property taxes from them directly or passed on to them as a percentage of rent by the property owner in the course of business. You might have a couple or several of these governments charging you property taxes — lots of layers.

You can check your special districts using this Colorado Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) GIS map. It’s a great tool offering filters and layers so you get all the information. Click on the district map and you’ll get the annual levy rate and contact information for the district.

Why should we care?

Property Taxes

Special districts, especially metropolitan districts, can amount to a sizable portion of your property tax bill. Just because you don’t directly write the check for the property taxes doesn’t mean you’re not paying part or all of the property tax bill. Tenants and consumers pay a portion of the property taxes in rent or included in the cost of the products they buy. Continue reading

Jan 08

IN RESPONSE | Pols trample on TABOR; let’s demand our petition rights

Douglas Bruce

Re: “Colorado must draw a line between ‘tax’ and ‘fee,’ ” Jan. 6.

As TABOR’s author, I fought many traps our foes set for us. We went down their rabbit trail of theoretical debates … twice.

The 1988 TABOR covered “fees” that yearly increase above inflation. Foes used examples like library card fees increasing 10%, which may be a quarter. “We can’t vote all the time” on trivial sums.

The 1990 fight allowed increases rounded up to the next dollar. Same result. We can’t set a limit — say, $50 million — on a fee increase; they will simply increase 50 fees $40 million each. They will also increase licenses, permits, etc.

In 1992, we switched “fee v. tax ” details for revenue spending limits. The Establishment took OUR bait. The issue was our right to vote at all, and we won. Set the agenda and frame the issue, and you win the debate.

Our foes then violated TABOR for 28 years, by saying road and bridge “fees” are for “enterprises,” though they clearly violate the definition. Ditto hospital provider fees, the Dirty Dozen in 2009, and dozens more.

To continue reading this story, please click (HERE):

Dec 17

Happy New Year From Your Colorado TABOR Foundation!

By a vote of 55% to 45%, you helped defeat Prop CC to remove TABOR spending limits, but they’re at it again.

Anti-TABOR activists are already testing ballot language for a 2020 initiative to unwind your Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights. With a high Democratic voter turnout, they see next year’s election as their chance to amend the State Constitution to give government taxing authority without a vote of the people.

The TABOR Foundation educates voters on how the Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights protects their livelihood and why it matters to their family’s future.

We give seminars, media interviews, social media updates, and we’re a primary contact for citizens asking for help when their local jurisdictions violate TABOR mandates.  Importantly, we engage in legal action to protect TABOR.

Defending freedom costs time – and money. We need more help. What can you do to help us?

Please send your donation of $50, $100, $150 or more. Checks payable to TABOR Foundation, a 501c3 not-for-profit organization, may be tax deductible as allowed by law.

And, we welcome your service with our Board of Directors, Speakers Bureau, or in some other capacity.  Please call me to talk about being more involved.  Thanks!



Penn R. Pfiffner

TABOR Foundation
720 Kipling St.
Lakewood, CO 80215