Category Archives: Twitter
Referendum C hurt TABOR; Prop CC will do more harm
They lied to us in 2005, and they are doubling down on this lie in 2019. Colorado voters were sold a bill of goods with Referendum C in 2005, and it is of the utmost importance that we aren’t fooled again with Proposition CC in 2019.
Proponents of Referendum C originally claimed that their measure was “temporary.” The measure was supposed to offer a five-year reprieve from the constitutional limitations created by the Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights (TABOR), allowing some fiscal flexibility for Colorado lawmakers to invest heavily in education and transportation.
Or so they claimed.
Why #TABOR Matters on August 29
Why #TABOR Matters On August 28
Beware! The Colorado Fiscal Institute has launched a statewide petition drive for the November 2020 ballot to completely repeal your Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights. The effort is being disguised using TABOR’s designation in statute: Article X, Section 20 of the Colorado State Constitution.
It’s Really That Easy….
Why #TABOR Matters On August 27
Why TABOR Matters on August 25
Why #TABOR Matters on August 24
Why TABOR Matters on August 22
Democrat legislators are such elitists.
Even though Colorado voters have said NO to the last six state-wide tax increases, they just ignore the results by calling a tax a fee (no vote required), setting up enterprise zones, and filing lawsuits.
Doesn’t NO mean NO?