Category Archives: TABOR Refunds
NTUF Defends Unanimous Win Protecting Taxpayers from Doubled Property Taxes
NTUF Defends Unanimous Win Protecting Taxpayers from Doubled Property Taxes
by Tyler Martinez May 29, 2024
Our Taxpayer Defense Center continues to fight for residents in Northern Colorado. Back in March, in a major victory for taxpayers, a unanimous panel of the Colorado Court of Appeals agreed with us that a doubling of the property taxes in a few Northern Colorado counties violated the Colorado Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR). But the case continues, because the Lower South Platte Water Conservancy District has now sought review from the Colorado Supreme Court. We recently filed our Brief In Opposition.
The case, Aranci v. Lower South Platte Water Conservancy District, involves residents challenging a tax increase by the Water District, arguing it violates Colorado’s Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights (TABOR). The controversy arose when the Water District doubled its mill levy in 2019 without seeking voter approval. The residents filed a class action lawsuit, asserting that this increase violated TABOR, which requires prior voter approval for any tax rate increases, and seeking a refund for what was illegally collected.
The District Court initially ruled in favor of the Water District, finding no violation of TABOR under a narrow exception articulated in Huber v. Colorado Mining Association, which was about a ministerial tax adjustment based on inflation. However, upon appeal, the Court of Appeals unanimously reversed, declaring the mill levy increase was not ministerial and holding for the residents on five independent grounds. Continue reading
Americans in One State Could See Tax Refunds Significantly Drop
The Colorado Legislature is redistributing your TABOR surplus as they see fit instead of rightfully returning the surplus to you.
Americans in One State Could See Tax Refunds Significantly Drop
Colorado residents can score an extra check this year worth up to $1,600 if they qualify for the TABOR refund, but the state program could see refunds drop if a new bill goes through.
Colorado Governor Jared Polis and several lawmakers have proposed SB24-228, which would cause a temporary income tax reduction and cuts the sales tax rate. The new bill would get rid of the automatic TABOR refund and instead offer the rebate only in certain years with high surpluses.
If the bill passes, the state will lower income tax rates based on the amount of money it collects, and when the surplus reaches $1.5 billion, the income tax rate would drop by 0.15 percent. So the more money the state takes in, the lower residents’ income tax rates will be.
Colorado Governor Jared Polis speaks at the opening day of Fan Expo at the Colorado Convention Center on June 30, 2023, in Denver. Polis proposed a new law that affects residents’ TABOR amounts over the… More THOMAS COOPER/GETTY IMAGES
The Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights (TABOR) refund currently provides $800 for single filers and $1,600 for couples filing jointly.
“TABOR is the Taxpayer Bill of Rights and provides a refund when the state collects more tax revenue than allowed under the statute,” Kevin Thompson, a finance expert and the founder/CEO of 9i Capital Group, told Newsweek. “This helps residents by giving money back to them when the state collects tax revenues over the stated amount based on the statute.”
To continue reading this TABOR article, click (HERE) to go to Newsweek.
2024 Colorado Legislative Session: TABOR Takings Tracker
Author: Erik Gamm and Chris Brown
TABOR Takings Tracker
Legislators placed Coloradans’ TABOR refunds squarely in their crosshairs during the 2024 legislative session, having passed over 100 bills that would slash the TABOR refund to a quarter of its projected size if signed into law. Amid a period of state revenue growth in unprecedented excess of the Referendum C spending cap and a state budget larger than $40 billion for the first time in history, the state’s legislative majority has seen fit to circumvent the standard refund mechanisms through a long list of proposed tax rate reductions, tax credits, and redistribution efforts. Since the last issue of this report five days before the end of session, five TABOR-impacting bills were defeated, four new ones were introduced, and several others were amended heavily.
By the end of the legislative session, lawmakers passed 101 bills that will affect TABOR refunds. Most of these redirect money out of refunds towards targeted tax reductions for specific groups, mainly families and low-income Coloradans. Through such measures, the state will diminish taxpayers’ agency to decide, whether by saving, investing, or donating to charity, how best to allocate money that they would normally be owed. Voters rejected Proposition HH, which proposed to take TABOR refunds in exchange for limited property tax relief, just last November.
- 101 bills were passed during the 2024 legislative session that, if signed into law, will reduce projected TABOR refunds by a combined $2.8 billion (47%) of the $6 billion projected between FY24 and FY26.
- These bills propose to reduce the TABOR refund by a combined $523 million in FY24, $1.06 billion in FY25, and $1.25 billion in FY26. The recent announcement that an additional $67 million in TABOR refunds is owed to taxpayers due to an accounting error is not reflected in this report.
- The reduction in refunds over the next three years is similar in size to the FY23 TABOR refund. Of the $3.28 billion available, $3.1 billion was distributed as direct payments of $800 to each Colorado taxpayer. The remaining $180 million was diverted via an expansion of the Earned Income Tax Credit approved during the 2023 session.
- The two most impactful bills from the 2024 session (see the list below) will reduce TABOR refunds by $1.8 billion, more than 42%, between FY25 and FY26. The rest of the bills would reduce refunds by a total of $391 million (9%) over that period.
- Some major bills, like SB24-166, were lost in the final days of the session.
- SB24-228, which is expected to be signed into law shortly, proposes to change the TABOR refund mechanism by lowering the state income tax rate according to the level of excess state revenue. When it comes into effect, Coloradans’ TABOR refunds will be partially replaced by income tax reductions.
The figure below shows projected TABOR refunds in the next three fiscal years and the amounts of those refunds that each bill would remove.
2024 legislation will reduce the current fiscal year’s TABOR refund to $1.3 billion, which is 71% of the latest projection.
EDITORIAL: Faux refunds preempt Colorado’s taxpayers
Colorado taxpayers to lose $2.8 billion in TABOR refunds due to legislature, study shows
Common Sense Institute says the state reduced just less than half of expected TABOR refunds to Colorado taxpayers between 2024 and 2026
Gaines: Getting back from the state what we’re owed under TABOR
Colorado lawmakers are plotting to steal billions of your tax rebates
Coloradans are supposed to get $2 billion back in their wallets through Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR) tax refunds this year, but Democrat lawmakers have other plans to spend our rebates.
Their wish list already exceeds $1.5 billion with programs that are guaranteed to grow even more expensive year after year, reports Colorado Politics.
Topping the Democrats’ list is the reincarnation of cash welfare payments that were eliminated back in the 1990s because it kept families living in poverty and dependent on taxpayer programs for every necessity.
Colorado wants to revive government-dependence and pay people for each child they have and call it a tax credit — except it goes to people who pay a pittance in taxes.
The problem with these child tax credits is that it suddenly made sense for one parent to stay home and collect government checks rather than work.
PeakNation™ will recall Colorado U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet first convinced Biden and the Democrats to bring back cash welfare payments during COVID.
Bennet tried to make those cash payments permanent when he was campaigning for reelection.
To read the rest of this TABOR article, please click (HERE) to go to Colorado Peak Politics.
Martinez: Court sends a reminder; tax hikes require voter consent
In a major victory for taxpayers, a unanimous panel of the Colorado Court of Appeals agreed with the National Taxpayers Union Foundation’s Taxpayer Defense Center (NTUF) that an overnight doubling of the property taxes in a few Northern Colorado counties violated the Colorado Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights (TABOR).
We represented James Aranci and his neighbors, who were shocked to learn in 2020 that their property taxes to the Lower South Platte Water Conservancy District doubled from 2019 to 2020 (and the years thereafter). TABOR mandates a ratification vote of any proposed tax increase or new debt taken on by government entities–including water districts. But there was no vote from Aranci or anyone else. So we came to help in their challenge to this unconstitutional tax increase.
The court held in this case that the doubling of the rate increased the tax revenue to the water district, and thus there should have been a TABOR vote. The court read the relevant case law in the same way as we did, holding that Huber v. Colorado Mining Association–which was about a ministerial tax adjustment based on inflation–did not apply here, where the water district had a lot of options for balancing its budget.
To continue reading this story, please click (HERE) to go to Complete Colorado.
Democrats unveil new plan to gut TABOR and direct money to anti-poverty measure
Democrats unveil new plan to gut TABOR and direct money to anti-poverty measure
Colorado is forecast to refund $6 billion in surplus tax collections in the next three years.
Yes, but: Democrats want to redirect one-third, or roughly $2 billion, to parents making less than $95,000 through a child tax credit under a new bill.
- The maximum tax credit for a child under age 6 would be $3,200 and $2,400 for children 6-16.
- The amount of the tax credit would decrease by hundreds of dollars for every $5,000 in income, a fiscal analysis shows.