Nov 05

The Most Important Ballot Initiative of 2019

November 4, 2019 by Dan Mitchell

Last November, voters in some states had the opportunity to accept or reject some very important initiatives, including votes on Colorado’s flat tax, Arizona’s school choice system, and a carbon tax in the state of Washington.

Since 2019 is an off-year election, there aren’t as many initiatives and referendums. But one of them is vitally important. Politicians in Colorado are hoping voters will approve Proposition CC, which would gut the Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR) and thus allow more government spending.

Why is TABOR worth defending? Because it’s far and away the most effective and well-designed fiscal rule in the United States.

It’s basically a spending cap, which is the ideal fiscal policy, and here’s a description of how it works that I shared last year.

Colorado voters adopted The Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights in 1992. TABOR allows government spending to grow each year at the rate of inflation-plus-population. Government can increase faster whenever voters consent. Likewise, tax rates can be increased whenever voters consent. …The Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights requires that excess government revenues be refunded to taxpayers, unless taxpayers vote to let the government keep the revenue.

Proposition CC doesn’t fully repeal TABOR, but it allows politicians to keep – and spend – excess tax revenues.

For the rest of this story, please click (HERE):

Nov 04

Norquist & Gleason: Fate our nation’s most important taxpayer protection measure hangs in the balance

The 2020 presidential campaign is dominating media coverage, but in just a few days, on Nov. 5, the voters (not a poll) of the battleground state of Colorado will determine the future of the nation’s strongest and most effective tax and expenditure limitation measure, known as the Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR).

Approved by more than 53 percent of voters in 1992, Colorado’s TABOR mandates that state revenue cannot grow faster than the combined rate of inflation and population growth. State revenue collected in excess of the TABOR cap is refunded to taxpayers. TABOR also requires lawmakers to get voter approval for all tax increases.

It is projected that Colorado state government will have to refund roughly $500 million to Colorado taxpayers in 2020 due to revenue collections coming in above the TABOR cap. The progressive Democrats who run Colorado’s state legislature and Democratic Gov. Jared Polis are working to prevent those and all future refunds from happening with a measure referred to the November 2019 ballot that seeks to kill the Taxpayer Bill of Rights.

Proposition CC, which will appear on the statewide ballot in Colorado this fall, asks Colorado voters to allow state government to keep money that is supposed to be sent back to taxpayers in accordance with TABOR. Passage of Proposition CC would mean the end of the TABOR and the result would be a significantly higher tax burden in perpetuity for individuals, families, and employers across Colorado.



To read the rest of this story, please click (HERE):

Nov 01

Coloradans for Prosperity is sending people voter “report cards.” Here’s who the group is and what they want.

Voters cast ballots at a polling location in Denver on Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2018. (Jesse Paul, The Colorado Sun)

Coloradans for Prosperity is sending people voter “report cards.” Here’s who the group is and what they want.

The Democratic-leaning issue committee is supporting Proposition CC, which seeks to eliminate state spending caps under TABOR. Turnout among Democrats for the 2019 election has been low.


Oct 23

Ferry: Prop CC is a blank check with no expiration date

Even though I don’t write a column anymore, some issues demand attention. Today, it’s Proposition CC. The question is, where to start.

The deceptive wording is as good a place as any.

“Without raising taxes and to better fund public schools, higher education, and roads, bridges, and transit, within a balanced budget, may the state keep and spend all the revenue it annually collects after June 30, 2019, but is not currently allowed to keep and spend under Colorado law, with an annual audit to show how the retained revenues are spent?”

It seems to me if the legislature wants to strip one of the fundamentals of the Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights, our lawmakers should have the nerve to say so.

For those of you who don’t know, in 1992 voters amended the Colorado Constitution to limit the growth of government by limiting spending — a bill affectionately known as TABOR.

To read the rest of this TABOR editorial, please click (HERE):

Oct 23

If Prop CC passes, prepare for a full repeal of TABOR

Kevin McCarney of Mesa County reminds voters “All tax revenue goes to the general fund” with #PropositionCC.

 Colorado is a unique state for many reasons. Beautiful land, bountiful waters, the Rocky Mountains. However the most unique thing about our state is not physical. It’s a law passed in 1992.

No other state in the union has one.

It is a most simple law. If the politicians want to raise our taxes, they have to put to a vote of the citizens. If they want raise our debt, they have to put it to a vote of the citizens. If the tgovernment collects more tax revenue than permitted they have to return the money to us. Simple as that.

Bureaucrats hate this law. So do most lawmakers. You see, they think they know how to spend our money better than we do and want the right to spend without limits.

Our Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights has led to a backlash at every level of government, and it stretches across party lines. Our people who represent us in government have one thing in common: They can never get their hands on enough of our money to spend.

To read the rest of this story, please click (HERE):

Oct 21

Colorado votes on tax regime embraced by conservatives

Vote NO on Proposition CC so you don’t lose your TABOR Rights

DENVER — Democrats who control Colorado’s Statehouse are asking voters in November to dismantle part of a state tax regime that for decades has served as a model for fiscal conservatives nationwide.

Coloradans will decide if the state can permanently keep tax revenue that otherwise would be refunded under limits set by a 1992 constitutional amendment called the Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights, or TABOR.

Democratic lawmakers who won a substantial legislative majority in 2018 elections that pushed this onetime swing state to the left placed Proposition CC on the ballot. They say it’s time to chip away at a formula has led to a multi-billion dollar under-investment in fast-growing Colorado’s schools and roads.

TABOR requires that proponents go to the ballot to let voters decide.

To read the rest of this story, please click (HERE):

Oct 21

Coloradans To Vote On Prop CC Which Dismantles TABOR

Vote NO on Proposition CC so you don’t lose your TABOR Rights


DENVER (AP) – Democrats who control Colorado’s statehouse are asking voters to dismantle part of a state tax regime which for decades has served as a model for fiscal conservatives nationwide.

Coloradans will decide Nov. 5 if the state can permanently keep tax revenue that otherwise would be refunded under limits set by a 1992 constitutional amendment called the Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights.

To read the rest of this story, please click (HERE):