Jan 12

Freedom Minute | Colorado’s Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR)

Economist Dr. Paul Prentice explains Colorado’s Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR) amendment. TABOR allows the state budget to grow each year at population plus inflation, while giving taxpayers the ability to vote on all tax and debt increases.


Oct 10

Raising your taxes is why Prop HH is on the ballot this November.

The Colorado Legislature is legally required to get your vote if they want to RAISE taxes. They can LOWER taxes at any point and without your vote.

Raising your taxes is why Prop HH is on the ballot this November.


Oct 02

Thank you to TABOR Foundation


 Many, many thanks for dealing with my City Clerk and Attorney on Thursday, the day before the TABOR con statement noon deadline.

I called the City Clerk mid-Thursday-morning to confirm that the TABOR Con Statement deadline was noon the next day.  The City Clerk firmly informed me that City Ballot issue 3K did not warrant TABOR statements.  I was incredulous, but reluctantly listened.  I politely hung up and promptly called Natalie Menten, who got Sherrie Peif, an investigative reporter, to call the city clerk and city attorney.  THREE hours later the City Clerk called me to apologize for having given me incorrect advice.  We agreed that the deadline was the next day and 3K was a TABOR issue.  The next day I submitted a con statement; thanks to all you’ve done!

 Again, thanks; your TABOR Foundation expertise got the CON statement published.

Teamwork works!

Thanks again,

 Frank Atwood


May 25

TABOR Coalition Launches to Protect Refunds, Taxpayers



CONTACT: Caitlin Gallagher Blundell,?cgallagher@standtogether.org?? 


TABOR Coalition Launches to Protect Refunds, Taxpayers 


Organizations across Colorado have come together to protect taxpayers & oppose any attempt to take away TABOR refunds 


DENVER, CO – Today a coalition of organizations came out in opposition to any attempt by the legislature or special interest groups to take away Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights (TABOR) refunds. Colorado is expected to return $2.7 billion to taxpayers in the coming year.


“While special interests and politicians have been busy looking for ways to withhold TABOR refunds over the last several months, Americans for Prosperity, our activists and coalition partners have been busy contacting voters across the state,” said AFP-CO State Director Jesse Mallory. “Families have already received two rounds of TABOR refunds and polling has shown TABOR is more popular than ever. Trying to convince voters to weaken TABOR and eliminate refunds will be a nearly impossible ask.” 


Coloradans benefit from TABOR refunds and these organizations have pledged their support to protect taxpayers from any attempt to interfere with them. The organizations are:

  • Advance Colorado
  • Americans for Prosperity-Colorado
  • Broomfield Taxpayer Matters
  • Centennial Institute
  • Colorado Union of Taxpayers
  • Colorado Women’s Alliance
  • Independence Institute
  • Liberty Scorecard
  • Lincoln Club Colorado
  • Springs Taxpayers United
  • Steamboat institute
  • TABOR Committee



The coalition came out in opposition to any attempts by the legislature or special interest groups to take away TABOR refunds from the taxpayers they belong to. Colorado is expected to return $2.7 billion to taxpayers in the coming year.

Recently, Governor Polis and lawmakers tied TABOR refunds to the state’s skyrocketing property tax.

For more than 30 years, Coloradans have benefited from TABOR refunds. The coalition and its members pledge support to protect taxpayers from any attempt from Gov. Polis and the General Assembly to take away their rightful, hard-earned return.


For further information or an interview, reach CAITLIN GALLAGHER at cgallagher@standtogether.org or (206) 402-8432.  


Through broad-based grassroots outreach, Americans for Prosperity (AFP) is driving long-term solutions to the country’s biggest problems. AFP activists engage friends and neighbors on key issues and encourage them to take an active role in building a culture of mutual benefit, where people succeed by helping one another. AFP recruits and unites Coloradans behind a common goal of advancing policies that will help people improve their lives. For more information, visit www.AmericansForProsperity.org


To view this release online click here.